Meetings and Agendas
All Authority Meetings are scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month at 25 E. Marshall St 1st Floor at 6:00 pm. Any changes to the schedule will be noted below and advertised in advance in the local newspaper. Any person with a disability requiring a special accommodation desiring to attend the Norristown Municipal Waste Authority public meeting should contact the Sewer Authority at 610-270-3190 as early as possible prior to the meeting. The Norristown Municipal Waste Authority will make every effort to provide a reasonable accommodation.
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Norristown Municipal Waste Authority will be held Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 6:00 pm as a virtual meeting. Any customer of the Authority that wishes to ask a question or make a comment for the meeting should submit the question or comment in writing prior to the meeting by emailing it to In the event that a customer does not have access to a computer, a written question or comment can be placed in the drop box outside the Authority office.
Join Zoom Meeting:
The next Authority Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 18, 2024